
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Tinea Versicolor

Tinea versicolor is a skin condition that is caused by certain yeast that is found on the body. This specific yeast, Malassezia furfur, is found on the skin naturally, even with normal skin conditions. However when the skin is extremely oily, or under increased amounts of humidity or heat, the yeast thrives and builds colonies on the skin. Tinea versicolor is characterized by pale, dark tan, pink or ash-like colored patches on the skin that can itch when exposed to sweating or overheating.

Tinea versicolor is common among adolescent to adult ages, and is more commonly found in humid and hot climates, which is why it is often referred to as “sun fungus.”

Generally tinea versicolor is not difficult to treat; however symptoms commonly reoccur, which is why proper and continued treatment may be necessary. Treat tinea versicolor with Blaine Labs/Tineacide Antifungal Cream or Lamisil 1% Cream. Tinea versicolor can also be treated by adding an anti-dandruff shampoo like DHS Clear Shampoo to bath water and soaking.


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